Hey Sports Fans!
Tickets for The Grinstead Cup 2 are now on sale! Details below:
When: 10th September
Where: Dorset Arms Pub, 58 High Street, East Grinstead, RH19 3DE
Cost: £15 payable to midsussexwargamers@gmail.com
Rounds: Due to estimated size, this will be a 5 round event.
Spaces: 24 to start with, space to go up to 32
Sanctioned: YES...hopefully
Your ticket covers your entry to the event and also includes a buffet which will be provided by the pub. This will be a mix of sandwiches, chips, sausage rolls etc. If you have any dietary requirements/ allergies, please contact midsussexwargamers@gmail.com and we will talk to the pub about alternate arrangements.
As this event will be hopefully be sanctioned, we will be using the Regional Cup format from the OP document which can be found here http://static1.squarespace.com/static/56728f72a128e6b1e548ec55/t/573c24cfb09f9545623d89fe/1463559377851/GB-S2-OrganisedPlay-2.pdf or see below.
Regional Cup
This is the standard expected level for tournament play in Guild Ball. Regional Cup events require Players to have a good general knowledge of the game’s rules. While experienced Players will come to these tournaments to compete for prizes, understanding should always be given to novice entrants. Players can come to these events expecting a consistent experience from tournament to tournament.
Tournament length - A) ‘A Champion is crowned’.
Match Win Conditions - B) ‘Play to the final whistle’.
Round Length - B) ‘Team Tactics’.
Team Roster Selection - B) ‘Strength in Depth’ (8 model roster).
Match Roster Selection - A) ‘Hide the team sheet!’.
If you have chess clocks, please bring them as MSWG only have a very limited number to loan out. Please email or contact Sam Page on facebook if you are able to bring some.
To sign up, please visit the facebook event page https://www.facebook.com/events/767768380027003/
See you on the